Monday, February 27, 2017

No Class Today

It's 4am and I have a kid up with a croupy cough and a high fever. I hate to do this, but I have to call off class today. Let's smush today's class and next time's together, so for next time, we'll have E. J's craft talk and discuss Cameron's story discussion (Lisa, I will give you points for your story discussion without having to bring one in, but if you want to email me the pdf of a story for discussion I will pass it along to the class, up to you) and read Lisa and Cameron's stories for workshop. (Don't forget, then, Lisa and Cameron, to upload your stories to Dropbox.)

On your own time, work on the dialogue checklist for your other story (you should have already done one for SEFFW Chapter 5) and come to class next time with a 3-5 section of your work to read out loud for SEFFW Chapter 6.

See you next week. :(


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Event Tonight

Don't forget, I'm going to be at that event tonight at Barnes & Noble at 7pm, and I will give you double extra credit points for attending. I joke that I'm bribing you to come see me, but really the reason I want you there isn't about me. This is the first time, to my knowledge, that HarperCollins have sent major non-local YA authors to Boise. If there is good attendance, they'll host more events here. If the crowd is small, they'll decide Idaho is too small to bother with.

I want them to bother with us. :) So COME, and write a paragraph or so on what it was like, and I will give you TWO participation points. Please don't feel compelled to buy anything. Just come.